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Military Appreciation Month! A Story, A Give-away, and Practical Prayer

Mon, 2013-05-06 10:26 -- Jocelyn Green

The month of May is Military Appreciation Month! And I sure do appreciate our military. Being a former military wife myself, I can relate to the challenges and joys our military families go through. But even now that we lead a civilian lifestyle, I will never stop appreciating the sacrifices the military makes for the rest of us. Do you have time for a little story?

A couple of years ago I was working on Stories of Faith and Courage from the Home Front, and one evening after the kids were in bed, I interviewed a Gold Star father who had lost his precious son in Iraq. It was an emotional conversation, and though my heart strings were pulled tight, I held it together while I was on the phone. (If you want to read the stories that resulted from that phone call, you can read them in the book on days December 3-6.) After we hung up, I cleaned up my notes and then went to check on my sleeping children, as I normally do before I call it a night. When I saw my little girl, though, the dam around my heart burst and I could not help but weep. Because there she was, sleeping with a small U.S. flag in her arms. I don't know why she had gotten out of bed to find it and decided to sleep with it that night. But it struck me that so many parents have lost their children to war so that my own children can live free. Thank you, military families!

Book Give-Away and Sale

This coming Friday is Military Spouse Appreciation Day, specifically, so I am giving away two gift packages on the Faith Deployed blog! The first one contains both of my Faith Deployed books PLUS the new Military Wives' New Testament with Psalms & Proverbs, and the second gifts package includes Tour of Duty by Sara Horn, Heroes at Home by Ellie Kay, and Wounded Warrior, Wounded Home, by Marshele Carter Waddell and Dr. Kelly Orr. If you're a military wife, hop on over and enter the drawing! If you know a military wife, share the link with her so she can enter, too! Here's another cool thing going on in honor of Military Appreciation Month. Zondervan is running a special throughout the month of May. Buy one Military Wives’ New Testament with Psalms & Proverbs, get one FREE! Here’s how: Visit Add 2 copies to your cart, and enter promo code BD5W11 at checkout.

How to Pray

Even if we don't know any military personally, we can still pray for active duty members AND their spouses. Not sure what to pray for them, other than, "Keep them safe and encourage their hearts"? Well, I asked a military chaplain to give me a list of specific prayer requests for our service members, and I asked his wife to do the best internet casino same so we know how to pray for the spouses on the home front. In fact, I'm sharing these prayer requests in Book Fun Magazine this month, in an article I wrote that begins on page 77. To read it, visit the magazine, and then you can just flip pages on the way to page 77 (there are some great articles in there!) OR you can click on the search icon in the toolbar, type in "home front" and then click on the search result to go directly to the article. (There is also an excerpt from Stories of Faith and Courage from the Home Front there!) Happy Military Appreciation Month!  


Submitted by Debora Riley on
I love the buy one get one free on the Psalms & Proverbs book.... Thank You!...

Submitted by Jocelyn Green on
Hi Debora, isn't that generous of Zondervan? I am thrilled with that too, and actually, I need to order some myself! It's a great deal, and I hope you can take advantage of it this month! Thanks for stopping by!

Submitted by Cherie Kasper on
I have a history of military men in our family. Our son and his wife are both in the Air National Guard. I read the book fun magazine and saw your prayers and article. Thank you for bringing these topics to the forefront. I too, thank each and every one who has served her and abroad, who has lost someone in service or has family in service.

Submitted by Jocelyn Green on
Hi Cherie, I'm so glad you had already discovered Book Fun Magazine! I'm sure having a son and DIL in the Air National Guard (plus the other men in your family) helps you appreciate the importance of prayer for our military families. I appreciate your family's service!

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